
How Far Is It To Columbia South Carolina

The driving altitude from Columbia, Southward Carolina to Charleston, S Carolina is:

114 miles / 183 km

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Driving distance from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC

The total driving distance from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC is 114 miles or 183 kilometers.

Your trip begins in Columbia, Due south Carolina. It ends in Charleston, S Carolina.

If you are planning a road trip, y'all might besides want to summate the total driving fourth dimension from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.

Yous can too calculate the cost of driving from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC based on current local fuel prices and an estimate of your machine's best gas mileage.

If you're meeting a friend, you might be interested in finding the urban center that is halfway between Columbia, SC and Charleston, SC.

Planning to fly a plane instead? Yous might be more interested in computing the straight line distance to wing from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC.

Charleston was named after Male monarch Charles I of England. It was an of import English settlement in the late 1600s. By the mid-1800s it became the wealthiest and largest city south of Philadelphia. Charleston was an important port and agricultural center and drew its wealth largely from these industries.

With wealth came the many homes of the rich and famous. Today you can still enjoy the rich history of Charleston by staying in 1 of the historical homes. Hither is a list:

Planters Inn – this 1844 building was a dry goods shop. It is located in the heart of Charleston's Celebrated Commune and has been converted into a 64-room bazaar hotel.

Elliott Firm Inn – originally home to wealthy planter Bernard Elliott, this property was rebuilt in 1861 afterwards the disastrous fire and afterwards converted to a 25-room boutique hotel in 1981.

Andrew Pinckney Inn – conveniently located adjacent to the Urban center Market and walking altitude to restaurants, shops and celebrated sites. This 3-story 1840 boutique hotel offers traditional British West Indies design and southern hospitality.

John Rutledge Firm - built in 1763 by John Rutledge, a signer of the Constitution of the The states and the just dwelling of a signer. This luxurious boutique hotel is a living celebrated landmark with menstruation décor and top-class amenities.

These are just 4 of the many historic homes in Charleston. Discover out more at

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Travelmath helps you discover driving distances based on actual directions for your road trip. You can get the distance between cities, airports, states, countries, or zero codes to figure out the best route to travel to your destination. Combine this information with the fuel price tool to notice out how much information technology will cost you to drive the distance, or compare the results to the straight line distance to make up one's mind whether it's better to drive or wing. You can print out pages with a travel map.


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